Opt Out or Stay

重要事項 Important Notes:

1. 所有申請人必須在指定之預約期限內於網上預約房間檢查,預約期限由2020年2月27日(星期四)至3月4日(星期三)為止。
Prior online registration for room inspection and check-out within the registration period (from 27 February (Thursday) to 4 March 2020 (Wednesday)) is compulsory.Reservation for Room Inspection  預約房間檢查  
2. 每位申請人只可於網上預約一個時段進行房間檢查及退宿手續,該開放時段期限為2020年3月2日至3月6日(星期一至五),由下午2時至6時為止 (每30分鐘為一時段)。
Each applicant can reserve only one 30-minute time slot for room inspection and check-out. The room inspection and check-out has to be done within 2 to 6 p.m. from 2 to 6 March 2020.
3. 宿生需確保進行房間檢查前已清空房間、回復房間的原狀及自行清潔房間。如房間衛生狀況惡劣,本部將收取清潔費用並於退款金額總數內直接扣取。
Residents must take all the belongings away from their rooms, resume the rooms to the original setting and clean up their rooms before room inspection. Cleaning fee will be deducted directly from the room deposit if the hygiene condition of the room is unacceptable.
4. 宿生需於已預約之時段至少十分鐘前前往宿舍管理部辦公室(研究院綜合大樓高座208室)。本部職員將陪同宿生回到房間進行退宿房間檢查。遲到者將不獲受理。Resident has to come to Hall Management Unit’s (HMU’s) office at RHB 208, Research Complex at least 10 minutes before the end of the time slot reserved. HMU staff will go to her/ his room for check-out room inspection. No late comers will be accepted.
5. 完成房間檢查後,宿生需立即帶同學生證及所有由宿舍管理部提供的鑰匙(如抽屜、大門、信箱鑰匙)前往宿舍管理部辦公室辦理退宿手續。退宿手續完成後將不能再次進入房間及宿舍範圍。
Upon room inspection, residents have to bring along with student card and all key(s) (e.g. drawer, door, mailbox keys) provided by HMU and immediately proceed to HMU’s office for completing the check-out procedure (i.e. returning all the keys and checking balance in student card). Residents will not be able to return to their rooms and enter hall area once the check-out is done.
6. 網上預約只於預約期限內開放,逾期恕不受理。本部亦恕不接受即場預約。由於宿舍管理部每天可處理的房間檢查及退宿個案受時間限制,每天可供預約的時段有限。網上預約的安排以先到先得的原則辦理,直至所有可供預約的時段爆滿。HMU is unable to assist all residents on one working day. During the registration period, residents are required to go online and select a time slot on a first come, first served basis until all time slots have been taken. Neither late registration nor walk-in registration is accepted.
7. 如有困難或疑問,請於預約檢查房間及退宿的期限內電郵至hmu@hksyu.edu查詢,待本部回覆作實。
Should you encounter any difficulties, please feel free to contact us at hmu@hksyu.edu within the online registration period and kindly wait for our confirmation.
8. 餘下宿費、按金及學生證餘額將稍後(預計三個月內)以支票方式退回,故未能即時退還。請留意本部稍後發出之電郵通知有關領取日期及方法。
The remaining hall fee, deposit and balance in student card will be refunded by cheque later (within 3 months) but not immediately during the check-out procedure. Please pay attention to HMU’s email later about the pick-up date and procedure.
9. 餘下宿費計法為退宿日至原定最後住宿日2020年5月17日期間的宿費。各不同房型之每日/每月宿費詳見本部網頁。無論住宿期為全年或下學期,該房型的日費/月費均一樣。一般宿費退款(獲發助宿金之同學除外)計法為A+B+C:
3月退宿當日至3月31日:N晚 X 日費;
5月1至17日:17晚 x 日費。
The remaining hall fee counts from the check-out date to the original last accommodation date 17 May 2020. Daily/ monthly rate of hall fee of different room types can be found at  HMU’s website. Daily/ monthly rate for the same room type is the same irrespective of the residential period. The hall fee refund (except for residents with hall bursary) is calculated as A+B+C:
Your check-out date in March to 31 March: N night x daily rate;
April: monthly rate;
1 May to 17 May: 17 night x daily rate.

備註 Remarks:
Please note that students will not be eligible to apply for hall residence in this semester again after check-out through this special arrangement.

Special One-time Permission for Hall Residence Withdrawal

  1. 由2020年1月31日至2月17日,請於至少一天前網上預約檢查房間時間。
    From 1 January to 17 February 2020, room inspection time must be reserved by submitting this form at least one day in advance.
    Reservation for Room Inspection  預約房間檢查 
  2. 宿生需於退宿當天完成房間檢查,並確保於進行房間檢查前已清空房間及回復房間的原狀。
    Residents must take all the belongings away from their rooms, resume the rooms to the original setting and get the room inspection done on the check-out day. Students will not able to return to their room and enter hall area after the check-out procedure.
  3. 宿生須自行清潔房間。如房間衛生狀況惡劣,本部將收取清潔費用並於退款金額總數內直接扣取。
    Residents must clean up their room before check-out.
    Cleaning fee will be deducted directly from the room deposit if the hygiene condition of the room is unacceptable.
  4. 預約的安排以先到先得的原則辦理。
    Appointment is arranged according to the basis of first come first serve.
  5. 宿生需於已確認之時段前往宿舍管理部辦公室(研究院綜合大樓高座208室)。
    Residents have to come to HMU office at RHB 208, Research Complex for inspection within the confirmed time slot.
  6. 完成房間檢查後,帶同學生證、及書桌抽屜/大門鑰匙前往宿舍管理部辦公室辦理退宿手續。
    Upon room inspection bring along with student card, & desk drawer/ door key and proceed to HMU office for the check-out procedure i.e. returning the drawer/door key and check balance in student card.
  7. 餘下宿費、按金及學生証餘額將不會即時退回。請留意本部稍後發出之電郵通知有關領取日期及方法。
    The remaining hall fee, deposit and balance in student card will not return during the check-out procedure. Please pay attention to HMU email later about the pick up date and procedure.

備註 Remarks:
Please note that students will not able to apply for hall residence in the semester again after check-out with the special withdrawal arrangement above.

2019/20 上學期本科生宿舍退宿備忘
Reminder on 2019/20 Semester One Check-out

Please kindly be reminded that with One Semester residency or Whole Year residency but did not pay Semester Two hall fee, residents are required to get room inspection by the staff of HMU and check-out procedures in the HMU office done by 30 December 2019. In order to reduce waiting time for room inspection and check-out, HMU is going to introduce the arrangement as follows:

  • The HMU will be closed from 31 December 2019 to 5 January 2020 (both dates inclusive). That implies at least HK$3,500 (HK$500 per night x 7 nights) will be charged for late check-out if you do not complete the check-out procedures and move out from the dormitory by 6:30 p.m. on 30 December 2019.
  • You must take all the belongings away from your room, resume your room to the original setting and get the room inspection done on the check-out day.
  • From now on to 18 December 2019, you may walk-in to the HMU office for room inspection during office hours. One-working day-in-advanced appointment by email (with your name, student number, residential building and room number included) to hmu@hksyu.edu is also welcomed. The booking will be confirmed by the HMU through email.
  • From 19 to 30 December 2019, room inspection time must be reserved by submitting the form https://www3.hksyu.edu/eform/view.php?id=314742 at least one working day in advance. Appointment is arranged according to the basis of first come first serve. You have to come to the HMU office for inspection within the confirmed time slot.
  • You are required to add at least HK$100 to your Octopus card for giving change to the HMU. Upon room inspection, please proceed to the HMU office at RHB208 with your student card, Octopus card, desk drawer and door key (if applicable) for the last few steps of student halls check-out (i.e. returning the drawer/ door key, taking deposit and balance in the student card).
  • Once the check-out process is done, in normally circumstance, you will not be allowed to enter the hall area and your room as a resident with immediate effect. Any personal property left in the room will be disposed by 12 noon of the next day. The University or HMU is not responsible for any losses or damages of personal items left in the room.
  • Special request must be sent via email to hmu@hksyu.edu on or before 22 December 2019. Any request after 22 December 2019 will not be accepted.

Reminder on Check-out Date and Hall Fee Payment

住宿期為上學期  One Semester Residency  ( – 31/12/2018)
  • 最後退宿限期為20181231
    Last check-out date is 31 December 2018.如需延長為全年住宿期,請留意稍後於學校電郵或宿舍管理部網頁公佈之詳情申請。
    Should you need to extend as whole year residency, please kindly pay attention to the coming advertisement in your Webmail or HMU’s website (https://www4.hksyu.edu/hmu/announcements/).
住宿期為全年  Whole Year Residency  (- 20/05/2019)
  • 請於20181125或之前以繳費靈繳付下學期宿費。
    Please settle Semester Two hall fee by PPS on or before 25 November 2018.
  • 如不打算續住下學期,請於20181231或之前完成房間檢查及辦理退宿手續。
    Should you live one semester only, please get room inspection by HMU staff and check-out done on or before 31 December 2018.

Check-in Arrangements For Freshmen On Orientation Days


Should you need to check-in on the Orientation Day of your department, please kindly visit HMU for check-in upon your participation to the orientation. The earliest check-in time are listed as below:

 Orientation Day
Earliest Check-in Time

(商學院 Commerce)

Economics & Finance
2 pm
 Business Administration
2:45 pm
3:30 pm
 Law & Business
4:30 pm

(文學院 Arts)

English Language & Literature
12:15 pm
 Chinese Language &  Literature
2:30 pm
 Journalism & Communication
3:45 pm
4:15 pm

Social Sciences)

2 pm
 Counselling & Psychology
3 pm
3:45 pm
 Social Work
4 pm