Residents’ Handbook (Postgraduate Residence)

宿生手冊 (研究生適用)

Residents’ Handbook (Postgraduate Residence)
宿生手冊 (研究生適用)
I. Introduction of Hall Buildings and Facilities
II. Residence Hall Services
III. Lost and Found
IV. Rules and Regulations for Residents
V. Operation Guides for Hall Amenities
VI. Check-out Guidelines
VII. Emergency Guidelines and Contact Numbers
VIII. Contact HMU 
Health Advices on Prevention of Pneumonia and Respiratory Tract Infection
Residents’ Handbook (Postgraduate Residence)
宿生手冊 (研究生適用)

Residents’ Handbook (Postgraduate Residence)
宿生手冊 (研究生適用)

I. Introduction of Hall Buildings and Facilities

Research Complex (RC), Hong Kong Shue Yan University
6 Wai Tsui Road, Braemar Hill, North Point, Hong Kong

7th Floor  7樓
Rooms are equipped with an individual bathroom with shower, a bed, a desk, a wardrobe, air-conditioning and free internet access.

  • Located on the ground floor
  • 設於地下大堂
  • You need the key to open the mail box
  • 信箱需用鑰匙開啟

Electricity will be billed by meter reading. Electricity bill will be sent to the resident periodically.


  • Located on ground floor; open 24 hours.
  • Residents shall always follow proper operation guidelines displayed in the laundry rooms when operating the dryer or washing machine, do not overload the appliances.
  • Laundry fee will be deducted directly from the resident’s student ID card.
  • Laundry powder and detergent are not provided. Residents are advised to use low suds powder or liquid laundry detergent.
  • 設於G/F, 24小時開放
  • 使用洗衣機/ 乾衣機時,宿生應按照標示於洗衣房內之操作指引,切勿超出機器之負荷量
  • 洗衣機/ 乾衣機之收費由使用者之學生證儲值額中扣除
  • 宿生需自備無泡洗衣粉或洗衣液



  • A First aid kit is located near the elevators on the floor and at the G/F main lobby of the Residence Hall.
  • Fire safety system and firefighting equipment including alarm system, hose reels, fire extinguishers and emergency exits are equipped on every floor of the Residence Hall.
  • 宿舍樓層近電梯處及 G/F 接待處均設有急救箱
  • 每樓層之公用範圍內均設有消防設施,如警鐘、消防喉、滅火筒、緊急逃生門等

  • Opening Hours of hall main entrances: 8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m
  • Residents must  access the Residence Halls with their own student ID card during non-opening hours of the hall main entrances.
  • 研究院綜合大樓大閘開放時間:早上8時至晚上10時30分
  • 宿生於非開放時間須使用智能學生證系統出入宿舍大門
II. Residence Hall Services

  • Security guards are available 24 hours in the Residence Halls. For security and management purposes, public areas of the Residence Halls are equipped with CCTV systems. The systems are operated under the University’s rules and regulations, the recordings are handled confidentially and are not to be disclosed without the approval of at least two members of the Management Committee which composed of senior management personnel of the University.
  • Safety and security of the Residence Halls is a shared responsibility between residents and users of the hall buildings, residents are advised to aware of the followings:
    • Ensure the door of the room is properly locked when you are out or in bed
    • Large amount of cash or valuable items shall not be kept in the Residence Halls.
    • Always inform security guards on duty when you discover any suspicious personnel in the Residence Hall areas. (Tel.: 2804 8566)
  • 宿舍設保安人員24小時當值。基於保安及宿舍管理原因,宿舍範圍內之公共地方設有保安閉路電視監察系統。該系統會按大學有關之指引操作及管理。另外,錄影片段只作存檔用途。當有需要翻查紀錄時,相關的工作人員必須先向由大學管理人員組成的委員會申請,並獲得其中兩名委員批准,才能翻查紀錄。
  • 宿舍內之保安及安全有賴宿生及大樓使用者的通力合作,請宿生注意下列事項:
    • 離開房間或就寢前,應把房門鎖好
    • 不應存放大量現金或貴重物品在房間內
    • 如於聱浪管制時段內有噪音、發現形跡可疑的陌生人在宿舍範圍內或其他緊急情況,請立即通知宿舍地下大堂的保安人員(電話: 2804 8566)

  • Communal Areas:
    Cleaners are responsible for cleaning communal areas of the Residence Halls including the public washrooms, pantries, elevators, corridors, common rooms and study rooms. 
  • Residents’ Rooms:
    Residents are responsible for the hygiene of their room. Cleaning accessories such as broom, mop and water bucket are available for Residents’ use. Moreover, residents may borrow vacuum cleaner from Hall Management Unit (HMU).
  • 公用地方:
  • 宿生房間:
    由宿生自行負責,宿舍公共範圍備有掃帚、地拖、水桶等用具供宿生借用 。宿生亦可到宿舍管理部借用吸塵機

  • Mailboxes are located on G/F. Residents shall clear their mailbox on a regular basis.  
  • Hongkong Post will deliver the mail to the relative mailbox directly. Mail without proper mailing address will be returned to the sender or the Hongkong Post. Residents who would like to make use of the mailbox for receiving mail, please make sure the mailing address (including the floor and room number) and recipient are correct. (Research Complex: 6 Wai Tsui Crescent, Braemar Hill, North Point, Hong Kong)
  • Large and bulky mails that cannot be placed in the mailbox will be stored at the HMU Office, residents can pick up those items at the HMU Office upon receipt of the mail pick-up notification slip or email.
  • HMU and the University will not receive any mail or parcel delivered by courier or any registered mails on behalf of the resident.
  • Mail without proper mailing addresses will be returned to the sender or Hong Kong Post.
  • All mails will be discarded in a month’s time after receipt or after the semester ends (whichever is shorter); HMU or the University will not be responsible for any loss.
  • 收件信箱位於 G/F,宿生應定時清理信箱內的郵件。
  • 香港郵政會按郵件所標示的地址把郵件派送至收件信箱。地址不全或有錯誤的郵件將不會獲派送,有關的郵件均會被退回香港郵政/送遞機構/寄件者。宿生如欲以宿舍的收件信箱收取郵件,請務必準確地填寫宿舍大樓的地址、所屬樓層、房間號碼及收件人資料。 (研究院綜合大樓:香港北角寶馬山慧翠道6號)
  • 未能放置於收件信箱的大型郵件會存放於宿舍管理部辦事處,宿生可於辦公時間內憑電郵或通知便條領取。
  • 宿舍管理部及香港樹仁大學不會代宿生收取或儲存由速遞公司送遞之包裹或文件及掛號郵件。
  • 所有地址不完整的郵件均會被退回香港郵政/送遞機構/寄件者。
  • 所有於派遞後一個月後或學期完結後(時期較短者為準)還未被提取的郵件均會被棄置;宿舍管理部或香港樹仁大學不會作出任何賠償。

  • 宿生需網上自行申請住址證明
  • 申請住址證明收費為每張港幣$50。
  • 首年入學之非本地研究生宿生若申請住址證明,首兩張可獲費用全免。
  • Residents can apply for address proof by submitting online application form.
  • The fee for applying each address proof is HK$50.
  • Each newly enrolled non-local postgraduate residents is eligible to obtain two copies of address proof for free.

  • Residents shall report to HMU immediately for any damages found on communal facilities inside the Residence Hall areas, or if any amenities which may cause danger to other residents.
  • Residents shall fill in the online “Facilities Maintenance Request Form” if facilities are found damaged in the residence room (
  • In case of emergency, such as pipe burst or sudden power outage, residents shall report to the security guards on duty at the lobby of the Residence Halls immediately.
  • The Facilities Management Office (FMO) conducts regular facility maintenance and repair services from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Saturday. FMO will make its best effort to control the noise level. In case of emergency, FMO will carry out out-of-hours repair works.
  • 如宿生發現宿舍範圍內有公用設施損毁,或任何設施有可能危害使用者安全,應即時向宿舍管理部報告。
  • 宿舍房間設施如有損毀,宿生可於網上填報維修表格。(
  • 遇有緊急維修事項,如停電、水管爆裂等,宿生應即時向宿舍地下大堂當值保安人員報告。
  • 大學設施管理處會於星期一至六早上九時至下午六時內為宿舍進行各項維修工程,並會採取有效措施儘量減低噪音。如遇緊急情況,設施管理處有可能在其他時間內於宿舍進行緊急維修工程。

  • Each resident will be given a room key and a mailbox key upon check-in. Residents are not allowed to duplicate the keys or change the door lock.
  • Report to HMU immediately if a key is lost or damaged. HMU will assist in lock changing and issuance of a new key.
  • HK$120 will be incurred for each lost/ damaged key.
  • The keys shall be returned to HMU in good condition during check-out.
  • 宿生入宿時均會獲發房間及信箱鎖匙各一條。宿生不得私下複製鎖匙或改動門鎖。
  • 若宿生遺失/ 損毁鎖匙,應盡快通知宿舍管理部。宿舍管理部會安排換鎖並發新鎖匙予宿生。
  • 補領鎖匙費用為每條港幣120元。
  • 宿生須於退宿時把鎖匙完好歸還宿舍管理部。

  • Residents can add value to their student ID card at the HMU Office during office hours.
  • HMU’s Office is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and University holidays. Residents shall ensure there is enough value in their student ID cards for use during the holidays. The balance in the card can be refunded at check-out period.
  • 宿生可於辦公時間內到宿舍管理部為學生證儲值額增值。
  • 宿舍管理部辦事處於星期六、日、公眾假期及大學假期暫停服務,請宿生在假期前確保有足夠儲值額供假期間使用。宿生於預定退宿日前往到宿舍管理部辦事處辦理退宿手續時,可獲退還學生證內餘額。

  • If a resident forgets to bring his/her student ID card, he/she can ask the security guards on duty at the lobby of the Residence Halls for assistance. The first time of every month requesting the security guard to open room door is free of charge. HK$100 will be charged for every time afterwards. The free service is only for use within a calendar month, unused free service quota cannot be accumulated to the next calendar month and will be cancelled. The number of times having the security guard to open room door will be marked by security guard and the charges will be notified by HMU after every month’s closing account.
  • If the resident has lost his/ her student ID, please proceed to the Information Counter at the Academic Building for card reissue. HMU will issue you a temporary residence card upon showing the receipt for student ID reissue. A refundable deposit of HK$200 will be charged for the temporary residence card.
  • If a resident forgets to bring his/ her room key, please proceed to HMU for assistance during office hours. Please seek assistance from security guards on during non-office hours.
  • 若宿生忘記攜帶學生證,可到宿舍地下大堂向當值保安人員尋求協助。開門費為每次港幣$100,每月的首次要求協助除外。未行使的每月首次協助權利不能累積至下一個月。開門次數由保安人員記錄,費用將由宿舍管理部每月結算後向宿生收取。
  • 宿生如遺失學生證,需先到教學大樓詢問處辦理補領事宜,並憑補領學生證收據到宿舍管理部辦理臨時宿生證。臨時宿生證設可退回按金HK$ 200。
  • 宿生若忘記携帶房間鎖匙,可於辦公時間內到宿舍管理部尋求協助;而在非辦公時間,則需到大堂向當值保安人員尋求協助。

  • Small Items: Small items shall be discarded at the garbage collection boxes located at the pantry or the lift lobby on 7/F.
  • Large Items: For a large amount of garbage or large items, residents shall discard them to the garbage chamber located on G/F of the residence hall.
  • Others: Residents shall ensure that sharp items or items with odor are properly wrapped before disposal.
  • 小型廢物:宿生應把一般廢物置於茶水間或7/F升降機大堂的收集箱內。
  • 大型廢物:遇上體積較大或較多物品需要棄置時,宿生應把物品棄置於宿舍大樓地面樓層的垃圾房內。
  • 其他:當棄置有異味或尖銳物品時,應先妥善包好,才放到垃圾房內。

  • No public parking space is available at the residence hall.
  • For transportation of large items, please inform security guards on duty in advance.
  • 大樓範圍不設公用泊車位。
  • 如宿生有需要搬運大型行李及雜物,請預先通知大堂保安職員,以便作出安排。
III. Lost and Found

  • When any personal item is found or lost, resident should report to the Facility Management Office (FMO) as soon as possible. (Address of FMO: RHB 308, High Block, Research Complex; Office hours: Mon to Fri 9:00 a.m. to 1p.m. & 2 to 6:00p.m. (except public holidays and school holidays)
  • 若宿生拾獲或遺失個人物品,請儘快與設施管理處的工作人員聯絡。

IV. Rules and Regulations for Residents

1. “Residence Hall/ Hall” means the Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU) Residence Halls (Residential and Amenities Complex and Research Complex);
2. “Hall Management Unit/ HMU” means the team of staff members appointed by HKSYU that is responsible for the management of the Residence Halls;
3. “Warden Teams” means the Warden, Deputy Warden and Hall Tutor of a Residence Hall delegated and appointed by HKSYU;
4. “Resident” means a student of HKSYU who is residing or has accepted an offer of residence in the Residence Halls and completed the required check-in procedures;
5. “Student ID card/ Student ID” is a multifunctional smart card issued by HKSYU as the valid identification document for every student. It can be used to access the main entrances, turnstiles, elevators and rooms (except 21/F and 22/F of Residential and Amenities Complex) of the Residence Halls. Values can be added to the student ID card for payment of Hall amenities;
1. 「宿舍」指香港樹仁大學學生宿舍(宿舍文康大樓及研究院綜合大樓);
2. 「宿舍管理部」指由香港樹仁大學聘任之職員組成,負責有關宿舍事務及管理日常運作之團隊;
3. 「舍監團隊」指由香港樹仁大學指派之宿舍舍監、副舍監及舍堂導師;
4. 「宿生」指宿舍住宿申請獲得香港樹仁大學正式批准並已辦妥入宿手續之學生;
5. 「學生證」為多用途智能卡,可用於宿舍大樓的大門、大堂閘機、升降機。宿生亦可將學生證增值後應用於大樓內多項自動收費設施;

6. Residents must observe the Laws of Hong Kong, no unlawful activity is allowed at the Residence Halls under all circumstances;
7. Residence Halls are part of the HKSYU. All residents shall comply with the General Regulations of the University and Rules and Regulations for Residents. HMU or Warden of a Residence Hall has the authority to take disciplinary action for any misconduct committed in the Halls;
8. Each room in the Residence Hall is provided to the resident entered the Postgraduate Residence Agreement for the purpose of personal residence only;
9. Residents and their visitors are not allowed to consume any alcoholic beverages in the Residence Halls. Any indecent behavior, or behavior which is deemed as causing undue uneasiness to others is prohibited in the Residence Halls;
10. Residents shall be properly attired and behaved at all times in the communal areas of the Residence Halls. They shall keep themselves clean, and shall keep their rooms and the Hall clean and orderly at all times;
11. Residents shall cooperate with and listen to the instructions from the Warden Team, HMU staff, security guards, Facility Management Office staff, and University authorized personnel to maintain a quality hostel life;
12. Residents shall always respect others and act as responsible and considerate members of the community;
6. 在宿舍內嚴禁作出任何違反香港法例之行為;
7. 學生宿舍屬大學範圍,宿生須嚴格遵守香港樹仁大學學則宿生守則。宿舍管理部/舍監有權根據大學學則宿生守則對違規宿生作出相應懲處;
8. 宿舍只供宿生住宿之用;
9. 嚴禁飲酒、作出危害自己/他人安全,或影響公眾利益的行為;
10. 宿生有責任保持行為端正、穿著合適衣履、保持個人、房間及公眾地方清潔衛生;
11. 宿生須聽從舍監團隊、宿舍職員、當值保安人員、設施管理處及獲授權人士之指示;
12. 尊重他人,不作出有損道德的行為;

13. Residents shall carry their student ID cards within the campus at all times. Any personnel authorized by the University has the right to request anyone in the campus to present the identity document for verification. The University reserves the right to request any suspicious personnel to leave the campus immediately;
14. Residents shall settle all payments within the given time frame. All residents are required to fill in and sign the Declaration Form, Residence Agreement and Registration Form to complete the check-in procedure. Residents must comply with the most updated administrative order of the “Vaccine Pass” announced by the HKSAR Government to meet the residence requirement. HMU reserves the right to expel residents, who fail to complete the check-in procedure within the designated time, from the Residence Halls;
13. 在宿舍範圍內,宿生必須隨身攜帶學生證;校方授權人士可要求任何人士出示相關身分證明文件以核實身份;如職員對任何人士身份有懷疑,可要求他立即離開大學範圍;
14. 住宿申請一經批准,準宿生必須於指定限期前繳付宿費及一切相關費用。此外,各準宿生於入宿時必須填妥及簽署入宿聲明書、宿舍協議書及住宿登記表,以完成入宿程序。於入宿及住宿期間必須符合特區政府實施「疫苗通行證」之最新安排。有關詳情將以政府最新安排和行政指令作為基礎,否則,宿舍管理部有權撤銷其住宿資格;

Restricted Items 
 15. The following items are strictly prohibited in the Residence Halls:

  • Dangerous/ illegal drugs as defined by government ordinance of HKSAR (Unless supported by a valid medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner).
  • Firearms, pellet guns, and other dangerous weapons.
  • Flammable items and fireworks. The use of candles and aromatic incenses are prohibited in the Hall areas.
  • Dangerous chemicals or corrosive substances.
  • Alcoholic beverages.
  • High power consumption / Large-sized electrical appliances.
    (Registration of bringing electrical appliances is required 5 working days before moving into the residents’ room. All electrical appliances registered must comply with the certificates of safety compliance offered by EMSD. HMU would charge extra electricity fee based on the electricity usage.)>
16. The University campus, including the Residence Hall, is a smoke-free environment. Smoking is strictly prohibited in all parts of the campus. Residents are not allowed to smoke or consume any tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes, in the Residence Hall areas; Offenders may be expelled from the Residence Halls. Hall fee, paid deposit and other payments incurred will not be refunded under such circumstances;
17. Gambling or any form of gambling activity is strictly prohibited in all areas of the campus including Residence Halls.
15. 宿舍範圍內,禁止宿生存放以下物品︰

  • 毒品/受管制藥物(持有效文件証明用作個人醫療用途者除外)
  • 軍火、槍砲、或任何型式之攻擊性武器
  • 易燃物品、煙火。此外,大樓範圍內禁止燃點蠟燭、香薰等
  • 危險化學物品或腐蝕性物品
  • 含有酒精成份之飲品
  • 高耗電量 /大型電器
16. 樹仁大學為無煙校園。宿生嚴禁於大學校園及宿舍範圍內吸食或燃點任何煙草類產品,包括電子煙;一經確認,違規宿生可能會被取消住宿資格,而已繳付之一切費用將不獲發還;
17. 大學校園及宿舍範圍內嚴禁賭博,或進行任何帶賭博色彩之活動;

 18. The University reserves the right to allow authorized personnel, with or without prior notice, to enter any residence room for conducting necessary safety checks, repairs or maintenance works of facilities as deemed necessary by the University. Advance notice will be placed at the notice board or given to the affected resident(s) unless under exceptional circumstances.
18. 大學職員會因應設施之檢查/維修/保養需要而進入宿生房間。除緊急維修等特殊情況外,大學職員會預先張貼通告或直接通知受影響房間之宿生,宿生須予以配合;

Visitor Policy (Visitor Policy will be adjusted accordingly with the University’s measures without prior notice
 19. Residents may receive visitors during the visiting hours from 8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.;
 20. A maximum number of 2 visitors are allowed for each visit. Visitor, who is allowed to enter the Residence Halls, must leave by 10:30 p.m. on the visiting day. Otherwise, the resident hosting that visitor will be regarded as violating the Rules and Regulations for Residents. HMU also reserves the right to not allowing that visitor to enter the Residence Halls in the future;
 21. Visitors are not allowed to stay overnight in the Residence Hall;
 22. A resident hosting visitor(s) to the Residence Halls shall accompany the visitor(s) to complete the visitor registration procedures accordingly at the lobby, when the visitor(s) enters and leaves the Residence Halls;
23. Visitors shall also comply with the Rules and Regulations for Residents. The host resident shall accompany the visitor(s) in person at all times in the Hall areas. The host resident will be held responsible for the conduct and safety of the visitor(s), or any charges or damages incurred by the visitor(s); Offenders may be expelled from the Residence Halls. Hall fee, paid deposit and other payments incurred will not be refunded under such circumstances;
Visiting Policy for Residents
24. Residents can gather in the communal areas of the Residence Halls, such as the common rooms, from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. daily;
25. Residents shall not allow visitor(s) and/or other resident(s) to stay at their room or on their floor and vice versa from 1 a.m to 8 a.m. daily. Other communal areas of the University could be considered if residents have to meet during this period;
Illegal Overnight Stay
26. Illegal overnight stay in the Residence Hall is prohibited. Offenders may be expelled from the Residence Hall. Hall fee, including the deposit and other payments incurred will not be refunded under such circumstances;
訪客制度  (會因應大學的措施而隨時作出更改)
19. 訪客時間由每日早上8時至晚上10時30分;
20. 每位宿生每次能夠登記最多2位訪客,獲准進入宿舍範圍的訪客必須於當天晚上10時30分前離開,否則接待該訪客的宿生將會被視作為違反宿舍守則,宿舍管理部亦保留日後禁止該訪客進入宿舍範圍的權利;
21. 嚴禁訪客在宿舍內留宿;
22. 訪客到訪及離開宿舍時,宿生及其訪客必須於宿舍的接待大堂辦理相關的訪客登記手續;
23.  訪客須遵守宿舍守則;而宿生亦有責任確保其訪客在宿舍範圍內沒有作出任何違反宿舍守則之行為;如訪客有任何違規行為,接待該訪客之宿生亦須承擔責任;一經確認,違規宿生可能會被取消住宿資格,而已繳付之一切費用將不獲發還;
 24. 宿生於早上8時至翌日凌晨1時可利用各樓層之休息室等公眾地方見面;
 25. 於每日凌晨1時後至翌日早上8時前,宿生不可在其他樓層逗留,或邀請其他宿生於自己房間或所屬樓層逗留,若不同樓層的宿生需要於此時段內會面,可使用大學範圍之公眾地方;
 26. 嚴禁非法留宿;如發現宿生房間內有非法留宿情況,一經確認,違規宿生可能會被取消住宿資格,而已繳付之一切費用將不獲發還;

27. Residents shall keep their noise at a reasonable level at all times (especially during the end of semester assessment period) to avoid causing any nuisance to other residents. The period between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. is regarded as quiet hours of the Halls.
27. 任何人士在任何時段內(特別是學期末考試期間)應避免造成噪音或發出大聲浪,於晚上11時至翌日早上7時期間更應保持安靜。

28. Residents shall not change or swap their rooms/ beds without prior approval and shall not stay overnight at other rooms. Residents shall approach HMU for application of room changing or swapping and proper procedures have to be followed. HMU reserves the right for final decision;
 29. Under special circumstances including, but not limited to, effective resource allocation or administrative arrangement, HMU may request residents for a room change. In general, HMU will inform the residents concerned seven days in advance;
28. 宿生不可擅自轉房/床位或到其他房間內留宿。如因特殊理由必須換房/床位,需預先向宿舍管理部申請。宿舍管理部保留最終決定權;
29. 基於資源運用或行政安排,宿舍管理部有權安排宿生轉房。一般而言,宿舍管理部會給予7天通知期予受影響之宿生;

30. Residents are not allowed to post, dispatch or display any publicity materials or activity invitations in communal areas of the Halls without prior approval. Application shall be submitted to HMU in advance if residents wish to perform any promotional activities in the Residence Halls;
31. Without prior approval, no commercial activities are allowed in the Residence Hall areas;
30. 學生宿舍範圍內不可張貼、派發或於公共地方展示/擺放任何未經批准之宣傳物品或活動邀請。如宿生希望在宿舍內進行任何形式的宣傳活動,必須向宿舍管理部申請;任何人士如欲向宿生進行宣傳,必須先獲得宿舍管理部批准;
31. 倘若事先未有向宿舍管理部申請,大學宿舍範圍內不可進行任何商業活動;

32. Residents shall not remove or change any furniture and/or fittings from their rooms or public areas of the Residence Hall;
33. Residents shall not place or display anything on their room’s door and window, and shall not cover the room number plate. Moreover, residents shall not damage any wall, fittings or furniture in any part of their rooms or public areas of the Residence Halls. Residents shall be liable for compensation according to the “Residence Penalty Reference for Room Facilities” for any defects.
32. 宿生不得擅自調動房間內或公眾地方之傢具/設施;
33. 不得張貼或掛上任何物品於房門或窗戶上;不得遮蓋房門號碼牌;不得損壞牆壁或傢俱。一經發現,宿生須按「宿舍設施參考罰款」內所列之價格作出賠償。

 34. Residents and visitors shall safeguard their personal belongings. The University and HMU assume no responsibility for any loss or damage to any personal property or belongings in the Residence Halls;
 35. Resident shall be responsible for all key(s) assigned for his/her use. The room keys or desk drawer keys are not to be duplicated, loaned or furnished to anyone else. A penalty of HK$120 will be charged for each lost/damaged key;
 36. Student ID card is not transferrable, residents shall never lend their student ID card to any other person nor borrow the student ID card from any other person; 
37.  Residents shall report to the Information Counter at the Main Academic Building and apply for card reissue if their student ID is lost or stolen. He/she shall bring along the student ID reissue receipt to HMU for application of a temporary residence card.
34. 宿生及訪客必須小心保管個人財物。如宿生/訪客於宿舍範圍遇有任何財物損失,香港樹仁大學及宿舍管理部恕不負責;
35. 房間鎖匙或書桌鎖匙不得複製、轉讓或借給予任何人,如遺失房間鎖匙或書桌抽屜鎖匙需繳付罰款每條HK$120;
36. 宿生不可將學生證借予他人,亦不可使用他人之證件;
37.  宿生如遺失學生證,應立即到教學大樓詢問處辦理補領手續,並攜同補領收據到宿舍管理部申請臨時宿生證。

 38. It is the residents’ responsibility to keep the public areas of the Residence Hall clean and tidy;
39. Residents shall avoid placing any personal belongings at communal areas of the Residence Halls (including but not limited to the corridor of the floor, pantry or communal toilets and showers), except for the rooms assigned to residents. HKSYU and HMU assume no responsibility for any loss of personal belongings placing at communal areas;
40. Unauthorized interference or damage of Residence Hall facilities or equipment is strictly prohibited;
41. Residents are not allowed to put personal belongings in the common areas;
42.  Residents shall avoid strenuous workout activities inside the Residence Halls. They shall undergo any workout or sports activities by using the recreation and sports facilities at R&A or RC sos not to cause any nuisance to other residents;
43. Residents shall follow the regulations governing the use of communal hall amenities and facilities. The resident concerned will be held liable for the replacement cost or the repair fee for any damage to the amenities or facilities (fair wear and tear excepted). Any charges or penalties will be deducted from the deposit paid during move-in, remaining balance will be returned to the resident at the time of hall check-out.
38. 使用公共設施時,請注重公德,於使用後還原及清理設施;
39. 除宿舍房間外,宿生應避免放置個人物品於宿舍的公共地方(包括但不限於宿舍大樓樓層的走廊、茶水間或共用洗手間及浴室)。放置於公共地方的個人物品如有遺失,香港樹仁大學及宿舍管理部恕不負責;
40. 嚴禁干擾/破壞大樓內任何設施/系统;
41. 宿生不能於共用地方範圍放置個人物品;
42. 宿生如欲於宿舍範圍內進行任何劇烈運動,應租用宿舍文康大樓或研究院合大樓的運動場地,避免做運動時發生的聲響為各個樓層的宿生帶來騷擾;
43. 宿生須遵守使用公共設施守則。如宿生借用/租用之設施有遺失或毀壞(正常損耗除外),須照價賠償。若有賠償項目或退宿時房間不整潔,宿舍管理部有權在宿生入宿時繳付的按金中扣減應付金額;餘下金額將在宿生退房時退還。

44. Residents are liable for any loss or damage to the fittings or furniture of the residence room (fair wear and tear excepted). Residents of the same room share the liability if none of the residents claims responsibility of lost or damaged item in the room;
44. 宿生需為房間內之設施損壞或遺失負責(正常損耗除外);在缺乏充足證據證明個別宿生需負上全責之情況下,同房的宿生或需要就設施損毀負上共同責任。

 45. Corridors, fire escape routes, stairs and fire main inside residence rooms shall never be obstructed by storing or placing any items;
 46. Malfunctioning, interfering or misusing the fire sprinkler system, emergency light system, fire escape routes, fire alarms or fire distinguishers deliberately are strictly forbidden; Offenders may be expelled from the Residence Halls. Hall fee, paid deposit and other payments incurred will not be refunded under such circumstances;
 47. For safety reasons, fire drills will be held regularly at the Halls, residents’ participation is requested.
45. 不可在走廊、走火通道、梯間、房間內的消防喉管上或其他公用地方放置物件;
46. 嚴禁毁壞、干擾或不適當使用消防灑水系統、緊急照明系統、逃生門/ 警鐘或滅火筒等設施;一經確認,違規宿生可能會被取消住宿資格,而已繳付之一切費用將不獲發還;
47. 基於安全理由,宿舍管理部會定期舉行火警演習,宿生必須參與。

48. Cooking in areas other than the pantry is prohibited without prior approval;
49. Only preparation of light meals and food reheating are allowed at the pantry of the Residence Hall;
50. All fridges at the pantry will be checked and cleaned up on a random basis. Alcoholic beverages and all expired items in the fridges will be discarded. HMU or the University will not be responsible for any loss. Hence, residents shall avoid storing obsessive stuff in the fridge.
48. 除預先獲得批准外,不得在宿舍茶水間範圍以外的任何地方煮食;
49. 宿舍茶水間只供宿生作簡單無火煮食或作翻熱食物之用;
50. 宿舍管理部會不定期檢查及清理設置於公共空間的所有雪櫃,含有酒精成份的飲品或食用限期已過的的物品均會被棄置,宿舍管理部或香港樹仁大學不會作出任何賠償。因此,宿生應避免儲存過多物品於雪櫃內。

51.. Residents share the responsibility for maintaining their room and other amenities and facilities in the communal areas of the Residence Halls clean and tidy;
52. Residents’ laundry shall only be done in the laundry rooms. Residents shall refrain from placing their clothes in public areas (including windows of the residence rooms);
53. When the unit is vacated, the resident is required to empty and clean up the unit. Deposit may be deducted to cover additional removal and cleaning costs.
51. 宿生須對自己房間及所屬樓層公共設施之整潔衛生負責;
52. 不可把衣物掛在公眾地方(包括房間的窗戶)。清洗和弄乾衣物應在洗衣房內進行;
53. 退宿時,宿生必需已經清理好單位及移走所有個人物品。否則,宿舍管理部會於宿生的按金中扣除預計所需要的清理開支。

54. Residents shall refrain from keeping any pets or animals in the Residence Hall, or bringing them to the Hall areas; Offenders may be expelled from the Residence Halls. Hall fee, paid deposit and other payments incurred will not be refunded under such circumstances;
54. 宿舍範圍不可攜帶或飼養寵物、牲口;一經確認,違規宿生可能會被取消住宿資格,而已繳付之一切費用將不獲發還;

55. Residents shall use the Residence Hall mailing address properly, the address shall not be used by other personnel or for commercial purposes. Residents shall change their mailing address before the end of their residency, HMU will not store or redirect any mails or parcels for residents once their residency period is over;
55. 宿生應恰當地使用宿舍地址,不可用作任何商業用途或借予他人使用;宿生須於住宿期完結前預先更改郵寄地址,宿舍管理部不會代為轉寄或儲存郵件/ 包裹;

56. Illegal use of internet is strictly forbidden in the Residence Hall areas; Offenders may be expelled from the Residence Halls. Hall fee, paid deposit and other payments incurred will not be refunded under such circumstances;
 56. 宿生不可使用宿舍所提供之電腦網絡作違法用途;一經確認,違規宿生可能會被取消住宿資格,而已繳付之一切費用將不獲發還;

57. Photography and video recording are prohibited in communal toilets and shower rooms. Offenders may be expelled from the Residence Halls. Hall fee, paid deposit and other payments incurred will not be refunded under such circumstances;
58. Any video recordings, interviews or promotional activities at the Residence Hall are forbidden without prior approval from HMU. Residents shall submit application and obtain  prior approval from HMU at least 5 working days in advance;
 57. 洗手間及公共浴室內嚴禁攝影或使用拍攝器材。一經確認,違規宿生可能會被取消住宿資格,而 已繳付之一切費用將不獲發還;
58. 任何人士在獲得宿舍管理部書面批准前,不得在宿舍範圍內進行任何拍攝、錄影及帶有宣傳或採訪性質之活動。相關申請書須於活動日期前不少於五個工作天提交予宿舍管理部審批;

59. Hall residence will be terminated for residents whose studies are terminated or suspended; paid hall fees and balance will not be returned under such circumstances;
59. 若宿生中途退學、被校方勒令停學或終止學籍,住宿權利將會自動被取消;入宿時所繳費用或餘數將不予發還;

60. When necessary, the Warden Team or HMU staff members will carry out room inspection. The resident(s) will be informed beforehand. Residents shall not obstruct the Warden Team or HMU staff members in the execution of their duty;
61.  In case of emergency (including but not limited to flooding, fire or criminal issues), the University reserves the right to allow authorized personnel from the University and/or HKSAR Government to access any rooms with the accompany of security personnel, for the purposes of:

  • Investigation of criminal cases.
  • Emergency repairs or maintenance works, posting important notices or installation of amenities.
  • Handling emergency, e.g. when it is  suspected that someone is in life threatening situation.
60. 如有需要,宿舍管理部職員/舍監團隊會進行房間檢查。宿舍管理部會預先通知宿生,宿生務必合作,並不得以任何形式妨礙舍監團隊或宿舍管理部職員執行職務;
61. 如遇緊急情況(包括水浸、火警、刑事案件等),在保安員陪同下,有關之大學及政府職員可能在沒有預先通知宿生的情況下,進入宿生房間(無論宿生當時是否在房間內),以進行下列等工作:

  • 調查該宿生有沒有犯下刑事行為,觸犯法律
  • 進行緊急維修工作或張貼重要資料、安裝設施
  • 遇有緊急事故,如懷疑任何人士的安全受到威脅時

62. The University reserves the right to request residents to withdraw from their room or the Halls for safety and public health reasons, affected residents will get a refund of the hall fee incurred;
63. Residents shall close all windows before leaving the room to avoid the room/furniture from being damaged by shower or fire;
64. Residents who do not follow the check-in procedures, may not be allowed to enter the halls. Residents should arrange their own accommodation under such situation.
62. 基於公眾健康及安全理由,大學有權要求宿生遷出房間或宿舍,而受影響宿生於此期間的宿費,將會相應獲得發還;
63. 宿生離開房間前需要把窗戶關閉,以免雨水或燃燒物品從窗外進入房間,令房間或傢具受到破壞;
64. 沒有依照相關指引進行入宿登記者,將不會獲准進入宿舍。宿生須為未能獲准進入宿舍的情況下自行安排住處。

65. The University has the final right of interpretation of the Residents’ Handbook and all Rules and Regulations for the Residents;
65. 大學保留對宿生手冊及宿生守則內所有條例及其有關詳情之最終解釋權;

66. HMU reserves the final right to amend the Rules and Regulations for Residents during the residency period, notification will be made to residents if amendments are made.
66. 住宿期內,宿舍管理部保留任何修訂宿生守則之最終權利。如有修訂,宿舍管理部會發佈公告。

If a resident fails to observe any of these rules and regulations, the Warden Team /HMU may consider exercising disciplinary actions or penalties to the resident.

  • Fine
  • Confiscation of related item
  • Verbal warning
  • Warning letter
  • Final written warning
  • Termination of residence, remaining hall fee will not be refunded, deposit will be refunded to the resident after deducting the penalty (if applicable)
  • The case will be forwarded to the University Disciplinary Committee for further follow-up

A resident has the right to appeal against the decision made by the Warden and/or HMU. It is the responsibility of the appellant to file the appeal request duly and adequately. A written appeal has to be submitted to the Office of Vice President (University Administration) through email within 7 working days of the written notice of sanction and must specify in detail the grounds of the appeal. Late appeals will not be considered.


  • 罰款 
  • 沒收有關物品
  • 口頭警告
  • 警告信
  • 最後警告信
  • 終止有關宿生之住宿資格,餘下宿費將不獲發還,按金會在扣除因損毀設施而導致之賠償(如有)及相應之行政費後退還餘款
  • 將有關個案轉交予學生紀律委員會跟進

被罰宿生如欲就處分決定提出上訴,可於收到處分通知後七個工作天內,以書面形式透過電郵 向副校長(大學行政)辦公室提交上訴理據,逾期概不受理。

V. Operation Guides for Hall Amenities


  • Resident can get internet connection if his/her personal computer (PC) is equipped with a built-in ethernet network card. Prepare a network cable and connect the PC through the network port on the wall plate in your room for internet connection.
If you still fail to get the internet connection, follow these instructions:

1. Prepare a network cable and connect your PC through the network port on the wall plate in your room, restart your PC and try to connect again
2. Configure the TCP/IP network components and set it as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
3. Disable the proxy setting in your browser (Internet Explorer/Chrome/Firefox)
  • If you wish to use a router, the router’s WAN port has to connect with the network port on the wall plate in your room with a network cable before connecting the LAN port to your PC. For security reasons, always set a password.
  • Install and run anti-virus software in your computer and update the signature file regularly to ensure a real time protection is on. Free anti-virus software can be found from: FortiClient:
  • Wi-Fi connection is available in the pantry at the Postgraduate residence floor.
  • Please get in touch with the Computing Services Centre should you encounter any difficulties in internet connection at the Residence Halls (
  • 宿生在宿舍房間上網,電腦需有網絡卡及自備網絡線,用網絡線把電腦和房間內的插座連接,即可上網。
  • 如果仍未能接通網絡,請跟隨以下步驟:
1. 用網絡線把電腦和宿舍內的插座連接後,重新啟動電腦,再檢查是否接通
2. 請在TCP/IP設定中,設定為「自動取得 IP」(即DHCP)
3. 在瀏覽器(Internet Explorer/Chrome/Firefox)設定裡取消 proxy 的設定
  • 如需要使用寬頻路由器/寬頻分享器,網絡線必須由宿舍內的插座連接到路由器/分享器的WAN port,再由LAN port連接到個人電腦。為安全起見,請建立密碼。
  • 為防止病毒對個人電腦及網絡的影響,請安裝防毒軟件及確保定期更新病毒定義。有關的免費軟件可參考以下網址: FortiClient:
  • 研究生宿舍樓層的茶水間設無線網絡(Wi-Fi)覆蓋。

Washing Time Fee (HKD)
Place your student ID card on the reader once (70/82 minutes) $8
1. Load the washing machine with clothes, do not overload the washing machine
2. Pour washing powder or laundry detergent, close the machine door (Residents are advised to use low suds powder or liquid laundry detergent)
3. Locate the washing machine at the smart card reader
4. Press “#” and place your student ID card on the reader for payment
5. Notification will be shown on the screen if error occurs
6. Please repeat step 4 again after 30 seconds
 7.  Press “*” to start the washing procedure
 8. Press “START” button on the washing machine as well to activate the washing procedure
9. The washing machine will stop automatically when the washing procedure is completed. Please pick up your laundry timely, otherwise the door of the washing machine maybe locked automatically after a long idle time.

  • The smart card reader will resume to standby mode after a long idle time or if error occurs
  • If the balance in the student ID card is insufficient for the payment, “Not Enough Money” will be displayed and the washing machine will not be operated under this situation
  • Please follow the operation guidelines displayed in the laundry room
  • Should assistance is needed, please approach the security guards on duty.
洗衣時間 收費 (港幣)
拍卡一次 (70/82分鐘) $8
1. 放置衣物於備用的洗衣機內,切勿超出指定負荷
2. 倒入無泡洗衣粉及柔順劑(請先閱讀衣物、洗衣粉和柔順劑上的洗衣指引),然後關上洗衣機門
3. 到智能卡付款台,找出您所選洗衣機的讀卡器
4. 按下「#」,然後拍卡
5. 如未能成功拍卡,讀卡器屏幕會發出提示信息
6. 30秒後會從新開始程序,請重覆步驟4
7. 然後按「*」啟動洗衣機
8. 再按洗衣機上的「START」鍵,以啟動洗衣程序
9. 洗衣完成後,洗衣機會自行停止運作,請適時取回衣物,否則,機門或會自動鎖上

  • 如輸入錯誤或按鍵過慢,讀卡器將返回備用狀態
  • 如學生證餘額不足以支付所選擇的運作時段,讀卡器會顯示「Not Enough Money」,此情況下洗衣機將不會成功啟動
  • 宿生亦可參考張貼於洗衣房內的操作說明
  • 宿生如在洗衣過程遇到困難或需要協助,可聯絡當值保安人員

Dryer Fee  
Key/Tap Card RC
Drying Time Fee
1 10 Minutes $2.5
2 20 Minutes $5
3 30 Minutes $7.5
4 40 Minutes $10
5 50 Minutes $12.5
Recommended  drying time
(Approx. 7 kg of wet clothes) 
30 – 40 Minutes
Thick clothes:
40 – 60 Minutes
a. Load the dryer with clothes, do not overload the dryer.
b. Please refer to the dryer fee table below for the drying time.
c. Locate the dryer at the smart card reader (e.g. D1, D2, etc.);
d. Press “#” to activate the smart card reader, the drying time is pre-set as 10mins each time. When “Pls Present Card” is displayed on the smart card reader, please place the student ID card on top of the smart card reader.
e. If residents would like to extend the drying time (10 mins per time), please press “#” and place your student ID card on the smart card reader.
f. Time for drying will be displayed on the dryer (1000 represents 10mins, 2000 represents 20mins).
g.  Press “START” button on the dryer as well to activate the drying procedure.
h. The dryer will stop automatically when the drying procedure is completed. Please pick up your laundry in a timely to leave the space for other residents.

  • The card reader will return to standby mode after a long idle time or if error occurs
  • If the balance in the student ID card is not enough for the payment, “Not Enough Money” will be displayed and the operation will cease
按鈕 / 拍卡次數 研究院綜合大樓
乾衣時間 收費
1 10 分鐘 $2.5
2 20 分鐘 $5
3 30 分鐘 $7.5
4 40 分鐘 $10
5 50 分鐘 $12.5
建議乾衣時間(以7公斤濕衣物計)  一般衣物
30 – 40 分鐘
40 – 60 分鐘
a. 放置衣物於備用的乾衣機內,切勿超出指定負荷
b. 乾衣時間,請參考下列的「乾衣機收費」表
c. 到智能卡付款台,找出你所選乾衣機的讀卡器
d. 按下「#」以啟動讀卡器,乾衣時間每次預設為10分鐘。當讀卡器屏幕顯示「Pls Present Card」後,請將學生證放到讀卡器上
e. 如宿生需要延長乾衣時間(以每10分鐘計),請再次按「#」並把學生證放到讀卡器上
f. 乾衣機機身會顯示乾衣所需時間(1000代表10分鐘,2000代表20分鐘)
g. 再按乾衣機上的「START」鍵,以啟動乾衣程序
h. 乾衣完成後,乾衣機會自行停止運作。請適時取回衣物,以便其他宿生使用

  • 如輸入錯誤或按鍵過慢,讀卡器將返回備用狀態
  • 如學生證餘額不足以支付所選擇的運作時段,讀卡器會顯示「Not Enough Money」,此情況下乾衣機將不會成功啟動

VI. Check-out Guidelines

1. Residents shall visit HMU’s office during office hours for getting the check-out procedures done before 11 a.m. on the latest check-out date. Resident can authorize other personnel to complete the check-out procedure for him/ her.
2 Residents who fail to check-out by the last day of the specified accommodation period shall be liable to pay a daily penalty charge of HK$500 (capped at 7 days) for late check-out. Once the accommodation period is over, access right granted to the resident’s student ID card will be terminated, residents will not be allowed to access the Residence Halls again. Those who could not undergo the check-out procedures on or before the official check-out date should approach HMU immediately for late check-out arrangement. HMU reserves the right to dispose of any personal belongings left behind in the residence room after the accommodation period. HMU or the University will not be responsible for any of the resident’s loss.
3. Residents must clean up the room and remove all rubbish before moving out. Otherwise, he/she will not be offered any on-campus accommodation in the future. The University reserves the right to charge at least HK$1,000 for cleaning up the room if he/she refuses to clean up the room and remove all rubbish on his/her own.If there are electrical equipment which under the Producer Responsibility Scheme on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), such as air-conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, computers, printers, scanners and monitors, etc., an additional recycling levy will be charged as an administrative fee.
1. 宿生須於最後退宿日當天的上午11: 00前於辦公時間到宿舍管理部辦事處妥退宿手續並搬離宿舍。如宿生不能於限期內辦理退宿手續,可申請授權他人代辦退宿手續。
2. 宿生的住宿期屆滿後,宿生的學生證所載有的宿舍權限會自動停止,屆時,仍未辦理退宿手續的宿生,均不能使用學生證進入宿舍。逾期退宿的宿生應儘早聯絡宿舍管理部,以作出適切安排。否則,宿舍管理部會向其收取有關逾期退宿罰款每日港幣$500,上限為7天。7天後,房間內的物品均會被棄置,宿舍管理部或香港樹仁大學不會作出任何賠償。
3. 宿生離開宿舍前必需確保房間整潔及帶走所有垃圾,違者在往後的學期將可能不會獲得宿位。若宿生不願意自行清理個人物品,宿舍管理部有權向已退宿之宿生收取最少港幣$1,000的清潔費用。如有政府「四電一腦」計劃之電器,包括雪櫃、電腦、打印機、顯示器等,將額外收取相應之循環再造徵費作行政費用。

The check-out arrangement may vary with the actual situation. Please refer to the notice of check-out arrangement in times of check-out months.

1. Clear all the personal belongings and clean the room. Remove all the decorations both on the door and inside the room. Put all the rubbish in the rubbish bin. Any large items such as carton boxes and electrical appliances shall be discarded to the garbage chamber located on G/F of the Resident Halls.
2. Restore the furniture setting of your residence room to the original setting.
3. Close all the windows, lock the door and ensure all electrical appliances are turned off.
4. Ensure your personal utensils and cook sets at the common room are not left behind
5. Ensure your food and beverage stored inside the refrigerator are not left behind.
6. Make check-out appointment with HMU in advance and/ or HMU will arrange the room inspection for check-out.
7. Bring along your student ID card, air-con remote control, keys for door and mailbox to the HMU Office for completing the check-out procedure; A penalty of HK$120/key will be charged if the resident has lost any key


1. 把房間內所有個人物品帶走,並將房間打掃乾淨,拆除房間內及房門上的所有裝飾,並將所有垃圾放進垃圾桶。較大型之垃圾(如紙箱及電器)請宿生自行搬運/棄置於地面樓層之垃圾房內。
2. 確定房內傢具的位置與入宿時所擺放的相同。
3. 關上所有電源、窗戶及房門。
4. 清理茶水間內的個人煮食用具、電器及器皿。
5. 清理雪櫃內的個人食物及飲料。
6. 與宿舍管理部預約 / 由宿舍管理部安排進行房間設施檢查。
7. 帶同學生證、冷氣機遙控器、鑰匙大門鑰匙及信箱鑰匙到宿舍管理部辦理退宿手續,遺失鑰匙及換鎖費用為每條HK$120。

Check-out Time 退宿手續辦理時間
Monday to Friday  10:00 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Closed on Saturday, Sunday, public holiday and University holiday
星期一至五  上午十時至中午十二時及下午二時至五時三十分

 1. Residents shall change their mailing address before the end of their residency. HMU will not store or redirect any mails or parcels for residents once their the residential period is over.
 2. Unclaimed mails will be returned to the sender or the Hong Kong Post.
 1. 宿生須於退宿前自行安排更改通訊地址事宜。宿舍管理部不會替宿生轉交或保存郵件/ 包裹。
 2. 無人認領之郵件,宿舍管理部會安排退還郵政署/ 送遞機構/ 寄件者。

 1. Residence check-out date will be postponed to the next working day if the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal or Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 (or above) is hoisted on the latest check-out date.
 1. 如最後退宿日遇有黑色暴雨或颱風(8號或以上),最後退宿日將順延至下一個工作日。

VII. Emergency Guidelines and Contact Numbers

  • When the fire alarm sounds
  • Leave  the Residence Hall immediately in an orderly and calm manner with the nearest available emergency escape route, DO NOT use the elevators!
  • In case of real fire
  • If the fire alarm has not sounded, activate the fire alarm, shout and remind people around to evacuate.
  • Under safe condition, evacuate with your mobile phone, a wet towel, door key and your student ID card.
  • Close the room door before you leave.
  • Under safe condition, call and inform security guards on duty of the situation (Tel.: 2804 8566).
  • Under safe condition, residents may attempt to extinguish the fire by using suitable fire fighting equipment nearby (e.g. Fire extinguishers and fire blanket). This, however, should be discontinued when the fire is out of control. Evacuate at once.
  • Leave the Residence Hall as quickly as possible in an orderly and calm manner with the nearest available emergency escape route. Stay alert at all times.
  •  In case of fire outbreak during evacuation, close the emergency exit door immediately and locate another emergency escape route. DO NOT use the elevators!
  • Action on being caught in smoke
  • If caught in a smoke filled area, crawl to escape.
  •  If there is difficulty in getting into a smoke-free escape route:
1. Return to room and close the door. Seal any gaps around the door with wet towels;
2. Open or break the windows, allow fresh air in;
3. Cover your nose and mouth and a wet towel;
4. Wave a towel or shirt and shout from the window to signal for help, DO NOT put your head or your hand out of the window!
  • 當火警鐘響起時
  • 所有人士應停止所有進行中之活動,保持冷靜,並沿逃生通道儘快離開大樓。切勿使用升降機!
  • 如發現火警
  • 若警鐘仍未響起,應立即按動就近警鐘,並高聲呼叫,以提醒身旁人士一起逃生;
  • 在情況許可之下,請攜帶手提電話、濕毛巾、學生證及房門鎖匙逃生;
  • 離開房間時,應把房門關上;
  • 在安全情況下撥電話到大堂保安櫃台(電話:2804 8566),並清楚指出火警位置;
  • 在安全情況下,在場人士可嘗試使用滅火設備(如滅火筒、滅火氈)將火撲滅,如火警一旦無法控制,應立即停止救火並迅速逃生;
  • 逃生時,應保持鎮定,並確定逃生路線的方向,並留意通道有否被火勢波及;
  • 如火勢迫近,應立即把防火門關上,改用其它路徑逃生。切勿使用升降機。
  • 若被濃煙圍困
  • 應將身體靠近地面,以匍匐前進方式逃離現場;
  • 如走廊滿佈濃煙,無法逃離宿舍大樓,應立即:
1. 返回房間並把房門關上,以濕毛巾封門邊的罅隙,以免濃煙進入房間;
2. 打開窗戶或打破密封之窗戶,盡量保持空氣流通;
3. 以濕毛巾保護口和鼻;
4. 在窗前向外大聲呼救及揮動毛巾等物品,但切勿將肢體伸出窗外!

  • When a severe weather warning signal is hoisted, residents shall take proper precautions and ensure all windows are closed.
  • When the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal or the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 (or above) is in force, residents shall stay in-door; all activities on campus will be suspended. Residents shall aware of the operation hours of the University cafeteria.
  • 當颱風或暴雨警告訊號生效時,宿生應作出適當預防措施,確保所有窗戶關妥。
  • 當黑色暴雨警告,或八號(或以上)颱風訊號生效時,應留在室內;而校園內一切活動亦會停止。此外,請宿生留意大學飯堂服務時間或會有所變更。

  • Minor Injuries: First Aid Kits are equipped on the residence floor and in the Security Office;
  • Serious Injuries or illnesses: Seek help from security guards on duty (Tel.: 2804 8566);
  • Call for ambulance service
  • 如屬輕微損傷:地面層及宿舍樓層均設有急救箱;
  • 如屬較嚴重受傷或患病:可向大堂當值保安人員求助(電話:2804 8566);
  • 自行召喚救傷車

  • If you are trapped in the elevator, please stay calm. Raise the alarm and keep contact with the security guards on duty through the intercom. Inform the security guards if you are feeling unwell.
  • 如被困升降機內,應保持鎮定,按下警鐘及透過對講機與接待處職員聯絡;如被困者感到身體不適,應即時透過對講機通知當值保安人員。

  • In case of emergency (During non-office hours), residents can seek help from:
  • Security Guards on duty (24 hours)  (Tel.: R&A 2806 5117 / RC 2804 8566);
  • Warden Team, or on-duty staff;
  • Other Emergency Numbers
Institution Address Tel.
Emergency Services (police, fire & ambulance)       999
Fire Services Department – Ambulance Services   2735 3355
Ruttonjee Hospital
266 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, HK 2291 2000
Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital       3 Lok Man Road, Chai Wan, HK 2595 7920
  • 遇有緊急事故(非辦公時間),宿生可從下列途徑尋求協助:
  • 聯絡大堂當值保安人員(24 小時)(電話:宿舍文康大樓2806 5117 / 研究院綜合大樓 2804 8566);
  • 經由當值保安人員聯絡當值舍監團隊職員
  • 其他緊急聯絡電話 
機構 地址 電話
香港警務處緊急求助熱線      999
消防處救護車調派中心   2735 3355
律敦治醫院 香港灣仔皇后大道東266號 2291 2000
東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 香港柴灣樂民道 3 號 2595 7920

VIII. Contact HMU 
Hall Management Unit Office 宿舍管理部辦事處
電話 :
+852 2804-8562
電郵 :
H 301, Residential and Amenities Complex, 
8 Wai Tsui Road, Braemar Hill, North Point

北角寶馬山慧翠道 8 號宿舍文康大樓H 301室
Office Hour:
辦公時間 :

Monday to Friday

09:00 – 13:00,
14:00 – 18:00

 Saturdays, Sundays, Public Holidays and
University  Holidays

Closed 休息


Health Advices on Prevention of Pneumonia and Respiratory Tract Infection

If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the Chinese version and the English version of the content of this Handbook, the Chinese version shall prevail.

PDF Version