Move-in Instructions

Check-in Procedures

本科生住宿 Undergraduate Residence 

在讀生適用 For Current Students

1. 於入宿期間內任何時間直接使用學生證進入獲編配的房間。
You may use your student card to enter your room anytime during the check-in period.
2. 請先拍下所屬床位的照片以便上傳至本科生宿舍協議書及住宿登記表,並仔細檢查閣下的房間及宿位,於2022年9月15日前網上填寫並遞交本科生宿舍協議書及住宿登記表*
Once you have moved in, you are required to take photo(s) of your residential place and inspect it CAREFULLY. Then, you have to submit the Undergraduate Residence Agreement and Residence Registration Form online by 15 September 2022*.*宿生可按此閱覽有關所屬床位及不妥當設施的範例圖片。
For sample photos of room and inappropriate facilities, please click here.
3. 如宿舍管理部未能在限期日成功收取協議書及住宿登記表,
If the Agreement and Registration Form has not been received by HMU by the due date, residents’ access right to hall residence will be terminated and residents are not allowed to go into the dormitory;
4. 帶同學生證到宿舍管理部,領取書桌抽屜鑰匙及啟動學生證內的預付充值額。
Please proceed to HMU with your student card for taking the drawer key and activating the prepaid values in student card .

新生適用 For Undergraduate Freshmen

1. 於入宿期間辦公時間內到宿舍管理部領取臨時宿舍房卡。
Please proceed to HMU within office hours during the check-in period for collecting a temporary access card.
2. 請先拍下所屬床位的照片以便上傳至本科生宿舍協議書及住宿登記表,並仔細檢查閣下的房間及宿位,於2022915或之前網上填寫並遞交本科生宿舍協議書及住宿登記表*
Once you have moved in, you are required to take photo(s) of your residential place and inspect it CAREFULLY. Then, you have to submit the Undergraduate Residence Agreement and Residence Registration Form online by 15 September 2022*.*宿生可按此閱覽有關所屬床位及不妥當設施的範例圖片。
For sample photos of room and inappropriate facilities, please click here.
3. 如宿舍管理部未能在限期日成功收取協議書及住宿登記表,
If the Agreement and Registration Form has not been received by HMU by the due date, residents’ access right to hall residence will be terminated and residents are not allowed to go into the dormitory;
4. 當取得學生證後,請帶同學生證臨時宿舍房卡到宿舍管理部
i) 領取書桌抽屜鑰匙
ii) 啟動預付充值額
Upon receipt your student card, you may proceed to HMU with your student card and the temporary access card for collecting the desk drawer key, activating the prepaid value and returning the temporary access card.
Postgraduate Residence
For Postgraduate Students,
1. Proceed to HMU with your student card during office hours for taking the door and mailbox keys; or to get a temporary card from HMU;
2. Check your assigned rooms carefully and submit the  Postgraduate Residence Agreement and Residence Registration Form to HMU by the deadline. Otherwise, the access right to hall residence will be terminated.

Important Notes

1. Residents should inform HMU if they cannot check-in during the check-in period.
2. The hall fee incurred by late check-in is non-refundable.