A. 香港樹仁大學生宿舍 Residence Halls at Hong Kong Shue Yan University

香港樹仁大學生宿舍共提供 990個本科生宿位,530 個於研究院綜合大樓,460 個本科生宿位於宿舍文康大樓。

The on-campus residential halls of Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU) provide a total of 990 residential places, 530 places are located in the Research Complex and 460 places are located in the Residential and Amenities Complex.

B. 住宿期Residential Periods

Residential Periods (DD/MM/YYYY)
學校寒假及下學期 Semester Break & Semester Two 31/12/2018 – 20/05/2019

C. 本科生續住住宿資格 Eligibility for Undergraduate Extended Residence

  1. 於2018-19上學期為本科生宿舍宿生 (宿舍文康大樓或研究院綜合大樓) 。

    All current undergraduate residents (Residential and Amenities Complex or Research Complex) in 2018-19 Semester One.

  2. 本科生宿舍不適用於以下學生:

    Students in the following categories are not eligible for undergraduate residence:

    • 停學 Termination of Study
    • 已畢業 Completion of Study
    • 休學 Suspension of Study
    • 海外交流或出國留學 Exchange-Out or Study Abroad
    • 延長修業期 Extension of Length of Study(因海外交流或出國留學而延長修業期者除外 Except returned exchange or study abroad students.)
  3. 學生如屬上述任何一界別或非本校全日制學生,宿舍管理部將取消或調整有關之住宿取錄。住宿資格一旦被取消,宿生需於指定日期前清理房間及辦理退宿手續。

    Once a student's registration status falls into the above mentioned categories or a student is no longer a full-time registered undergraduate student of the University, his/her on-campus accommodation offer will be cancelled or adjusted accordingly. Hall residence will be terminated for residents under such circumstances and will be required to vacate the residence room and complete proper check-out procedures by a specific date.

  4. 無論申請人是否接受住宿取錄,若違反校規或宿舍守則,宿舍管理部或舍監將有權按申請人違規的嚴重性考慮撤銷申請人的住宿取錄。

    An offer of residence, irrespective of whether it is accepted by an applicant for the residence halls, may be revoked thereafter by either the Hall Management Unit (HMU) or the Warden concerned upon an event of default. An event of default occurs when the applicant concerned violates any regulations governing the student residence or hall rules subsequently and, in the view of either HMU or the Warden, the violation in question is serious enough to justify such revocation.

D. 提交申請 Submission of Application

  1. 於遞交住宿申請前,申請人應先閱讀、明白及同意遵守此住宿申請須知、本科生宿生手冊及宿生守則。

    Students interested in living in the undergraduate student halls shall read, understand and agree to comply with this Notes to Applicants, Residents’ Handbook as well as the Rules and Regulations for Residents before submitting their application.

  2. 請填妥並遞交 網上申請表格。

    Please fill in and submit the online application.

E. 住宿費用及續住安排 Hall Fees Payment and Residence Extended Arrangement

  1. 獲住宿取錄的申請人需於指定期限前繳交宿費;於期限後繳交宿費概不受理。沒有按時繳交宿費之申請人將作自動放棄宿位論,而不作另行通知。香港樹仁大學保留向申請人提出因此所涉及的行政費用。

    Prospective residents are required to settle the accommodation fees by the specified deadline. Late payment will not be accepted. An applicant who fails to settle the hall fees within the stipulated period will be deemed as giving up the accommodation place. The University reserves the right to request the applicant concerned to pay for the administration fees incurred.

  2. 所有續住申請只會安排入住與上學期相同之宿舍大樓及房間號碼。

    All current residents will be offered to the same room number and hall building in the extended residential period only.

  3. 在確定申請人已繳交宿費後,宿舍管理部會將於十二月內經學校電郵通知宿生確定有關續住安排。

    An email listing the arrangement of extended residence will be sent to every prospective resident through the resident’s University email account within December upon receipt of hall fees payment is confirmed by HMU.

F. 住宿費用Hall Fees

  1. 宿費如下The hall fees for the entire semester are listed below:

    Room Type
    Residential Period
    各項收費 ( 港幣 )
    Fees (HKD)
    Room Rate4
    Initial Stored Value in Student ID Card6
    Total Hall Fee
    Special Twin Room1
    Semester Break & Semester Two
    $6,017 $500 $6,517
    Twin Room2
    Semester Break & Semester Two
    $8,797 $500 $9,297
    Triple Room3
    Semester Break & Semester Two
    $7,407 $500 $7,907
    Quadruple Room3
    Semester Break & Semester Two
    $6,017 $500 $6,517


    1. 宿舍文康大樓提供少量特別雙人人房Only a limited number of special twin rooms (with bunk bed) are available in the Residential and Amenities Complex;
    2. 設於宿舍文康大樓及研究院綜合大樓In the Residential and Amenities Complex and the Research Complex
    3. 只設於研究院綜合大樓In the Research Complex only
    4. 不包括啟動冷氣、洗衣及乾衣費用Excluding air-conditioning and laundry charges
    5. 所有入宿學生均需繳付按金,在扣除任何未償還收費和罰款後,將於宿生完成退宿手續時退還 The deposit will be refunded to the resident after deduction of any amount of outstanding charges, fines and fees upon completion of proper check-out procedures.
    6. 宿生可於辦理退宿手續時取回學生證內餘額Balance in the student ID card will be refunded to the resident upon completion of proper check-out procedures.

  2. 宿費必須以全費繳付;一經繳交,將不設退款安排。

    Hall fees must be paid in full and are non-refundable.

G. 聯絡宿舍管理部 Contact Hall Management Unit

位置 Location: 研究院大樓高座 RHB 208室
RHB 208, High Block, Research Complex
辦公時間 Office Hours: 星期一至五
Mondays to Fridays
09:30 - 13:00, 14:00 - 18:30
Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays
電郵 Email: hmu@hksyu.edu
電話Telephone Number: +852 2804-8562