A. 香港樹仁大學生宿舍 Residence Halls at Hong Kong Shue Yan University

香港樹仁大學生宿舍共提供 990個本科生宿位,530 個於研究院綜合大樓,460 個本科生宿位於宿舍文康大樓。

The on-campus residential halls of Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU) provide a total of 990 residential places, 530 places are located in the Research Complex and 460 places are located in the Residential and Amenities Complex.

B. 住宿期Residential Periods

Residential Periods (DD/MM/YYYY)
下學期 Semester Two 11/01/2019 – 20/05/2019



Students should arrange their own accommodation before and after the stipulated residential period. No requests for early check-in or late check-out will be accommodated.

C. 本科生的住宿資格Eligibility for Undergraduate Residence

  1. 本科生宿舍只限本校 宿舍只限本校 全日制 本科生申請 (C2項所列出學生除外 )。

    All full-time registered undergraduate students of the University (except students in the categories listed below) are eligible for application of on-campus accommodation.

  2. 本科生宿舍不適用於以下學生:

    Students in the following categories are not eligible for undergraduate residence:

    • 停學 Termination of Study
    • 已畢業 Completion of Study
    • 休學 Suspension of Study
    • 海外交流或出國留學 Exchange-Out or Study Abroad
    • 延長修業期 Extension of Length of Study(因海外交流或出國留學而延長修業期者除外 Except returned exchange or study abroad students.)
  3. 學生如屬上述任何一界別或非本校全日制學生,宿舍管理部將取消或調整有關之住宿取錄。住宿資格一旦被取消,宿生需於指定日期前清理房間及辦理退宿手續。

    Once a student's registration status falls into the above mentioned categories or a student is no longer a full-time registered undergraduate student of the University, his/her on-campus accommodation offer will be cancelled or adjusted accordingly. Hall residence will be terminated for residents under such circumstances and will be required to vacate the residence room and complete proper check-out procedures by a specific date.

  4. 無論申請人是否接受住宿取錄,若違反校規或宿舍守則,宿舍管理部或舍監將有權按申請人違規的嚴重性考慮撤銷申請人的住宿取錄。

    An offer of residence, irrespective of whether it is accepted by an applicant for the residence halls, may be revoked thereafter by either the Hall Management Unit (HMU) or the Warden concerned upon an event of default. An event of default occurs when the applicant concerned violates any regulations governing the student residence or hall rules subsequently and, in the view of either HMU or the Warden, the violation in question is serious enough to justify such revocation.

D. 提交申請 Submission of Application

  1. 於遞交住宿申請前,申請人應先閱讀、明白及同意遵守此住宿申請須知、本科生宿生手冊及宿生守則。

    Students interested in living in the undergraduate student halls shall read, understand and agree to comply with this Notes to Applicants, Residents’ Handbook as well as the Rules and Regulations for Residents before submitting their application.

  2. 請填妥並遞交 網上申請表格。

    Please fill in and submit the online application.

  3. 十八歲以下申請人需於遞交 住宿申請 時上傳家長/監護人同意書為附件。

    For applicants aged below 18, a properly signed and completed copy of parent’s/ legal guardian’s approval has to be submitted along with the online application.

E. 住宿費用及入宿手續 Hall Fees Payment and Check-in Procedures

  1. 獲住宿取錄的申請人需於指定期限前繳交宿費;於期限後繳交宿費概不受理。沒有按時繳交宿費之申請人將作自動放棄宿位論,而不作另行通知。香港樹仁大學保留向申請人提出因此所涉及的行政費用。

    Prospective residents are required to settle the accommodation fees by the specified deadline. Late payment will not be accepted. An applicant who fails to settle the hall fees within the stipulated period will be deemed as giving up the accommodation place. The University reserves the right to request the applicant concerned to pay for the administration fees incurred.

  2. 在確定申請人已繳交宿費後,宿舍管理部會將於下學期開課前經學校電郵通知宿生所分配到的宿舍房間號碼、入宿日期及入宿手續等詳情。

    An email listing the allocated residence room number, check-in date, check-in procedures and other details will be sent to every prospective resident through the resident’s University email account before the commencement of the second semester after receipt of hall fees payment is confirmed by HMU.

F. 房間類型及住宿費用Room Types and Hall Fees


Undergraduate residence mainly consists of shared rooms (2-person, 3-person, 4-person), with 2-person room and 3-person room being the majority. Residential period and hall fees are calculated by semester. Shared rooms’ converted monthly rate is HKD1,900 per person (twin room), HKD1,600 per person (triple room), and HKD1,300 per person (quad room). In addition, there are a limited number of special twin rooms (subject to availability) for undergraduate residence at a monthly rate of HKD1,300.

本科生宿舍Undergraduate Student Halls 雙人房
Twin Room
Triple Room
Quad Room
Special Twin Room
宿舍文康大樓 Residential and Amenities Complex
研究院綜合大樓 Research Complex

G. 房間及宿舍設施Rooms and Facilities in Residence Halls

  1. 每個房間均設有冷氣、書桌、椅子、床(只提供床褥)及衣櫃。共享設備包括雪櫃、淋浴間、廁所、設有微波爐的茶水間、設有電視機及梳化的休息室,及以學生證內增值額啟動的洗衣機及乾衣機。

    Each room is equipped with air-conditioning, desk(s), chair(s), bed(s) (only mattress is provided) and wardrobe(s). Communal facilities include refrigerators, showers, toilets, pantries with microwaves, common rooms with TVs and sofas as well as student ID card-operated washing machines and dryers.

  2. 宿生可於房間內安裝網路通信電纜以連接網絡。房間內的冷氣、共享的洗衣機及乾衣機均以學生證內的增值額啟動。學生檢查所屬房間、並填寫和遞交租約及住宿登記表後,可於宿舍管理部辦公室為其學生證增值。

    Students can connect to the internet in their residence rooms with a LAN cable. Air-conditioners, washing machines and dryers are operated by HKSYU student ID cards. Students can add value to their student ID cards at the HMU Office upon checking their rooms and submitting online Undergraduate Residence Contract and Residence Registration Form.

H. 住宿費用Hall Fees

  1. 宿費如下The hall fees for the entire semester are listed below:

    Room Type
    Residential Period
    Fees (HKD)
    Room Rate4
    Initial Stored Value in Student ID Card6
    Total Hall Fee
    Special Twin Room1
    Semester Two
    $5,577 $500 $500 $6,577
    Twin Room2
    Semester Two
    $8,157 $500 $500 $9,157
    Triple Room3
    Semester Two
    $6,867 $500 $500 $7,867
    Quadruple Room3
    Semester Two
    $5,577 $500 $500 $6,577


    1. 宿舍文康大樓提供少量特別雙人房Only a limited number of special twin rooms (with bunk bed) are available in the Residential and Amenities Complex;
    2. 設於宿舍文康大樓及研究院綜合大樓In the Residential and Amenities Complex and the Research Complex
    3. 只設於研究院綜合大樓In the Research Complex only
    4. 不包括啟動冷氣、洗衣及乾衣費用Excluding air-conditioning and laundry charges
    5. 所有入宿學生均需繳付按金,在扣除任何未償還收費和罰款後,將於宿生完成退宿手續時退還 The deposit will be refunded to the resident after deduction of any amount of outstanding charges, fines and fees upon completion of proper check-out procedures.
    6. 宿生可於辦理退宿手續時取回學生證內餘額Balance in the student ID card will be refunded to the resident upon completion of proper check-out procedures.

  2. 宿費必須以全費繳付;一經繳交,將不設退款安排。

    Hall fees must be paid in full and are non-refundable.

I. 優先住宿Priority Housing

  1. 首兩年就讀的非本地生 Non-local students in their first two years of study


    A student admitted to HKSYU holding a valid student visa/entry permit is regarded as a non-local student; non-local students are provided with on-campus accommodation for their first two years of study at HKSYU.

  2. 非以香港為居住地的本地生Local students with no home base in Hong Kong


    Legitimate documentary evidence is required for local students who claim to have no home base in Hong Kong.

  3. 來港交流生Incoming exchange students

J. 評分機制Scoring System

項目Items 比重
One-way travelling time between home and HKSYU determined by the Hong Kong eTransport of the Transport Department
Living condition at home
Students who are in receipt of means-tested student financial assistance from Student Financial Office (SFO) of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA) OR whose families are in receipt of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) at the time of application for residential hall place.
Academic Performance (for Year 2 to 4 students only)
Contribution to HKSYU
Personal Statement
No previous residential experience at HKSYU

K. 資料驗證 Verification of Information Submitted

  1. 若宿舍管理部需要申請人呈交證明文件,宿舍管理部將以電郵個別通知。未能按時提交證明文件者將被取消其住宿取錄而不作另行通知。

    Applicants who are required to submit documentary proof(s) will be informed individually through email. Failure to submit required proof before the deadline will result in cancellation of hall offer without prior notification.

  2. 若申請人有任何虛報或隱瞞情況,宿舍管理部將保留撤銷申請人住宿申請及住宿取錄之權利。

    Applicants are reminded that provision of false/ inaccurate information may lead to disqualification and cancellation of the hall applications and associated offers.

  3. 若申請人為非本地本科生(根據註冊處的記錄),則無需提交住址證明。

    Applicants who are verified as non-local undergraduate students (according to the record at the Registry) are not required to submit an address proof.

  4. 本地申請人需呈交相關的住址證明,以證明申請人與其父母之住址。住址證明的例子如下:

    Local applicants may be requested to submit relevant address proof to substantiate the home address of the applicant and her/ his parents. Some examples of the documents required are:

    • 差餉單據 Rate Receipts
    • 公共房屋的租約 Tenancy Agreement of Public Housing
    • 租用住處的租約 Stamped Tenancy Agreement for Rented Apartment
    • 水電煤氣帳單 Utility Bills
    • 學生與父母的關係證明文件 Proof of Relation between student and her/ his parent

L. 申請人應注意的重要事項Important Notes for Applicants

  1. 申請人需在申請期間於網上提交住宿申請。於完成及提交網上住宿申請前,申請人已閱讀、明白及同意遵守此住宿申請須知、本科生宿生手冊及宿生守則。

    Applicants are required to submit their online residence hall application during the application period. By completing and submitting the online application form for on-campus accommodation in the residential semester, applicants certified that they have read, understood, and agreed to comply with this Notes to Applicants, Residents’ Handbook as well as the Rules and Regulations for Residents.

  2. 若申請人有任何虛報或隱瞞情況,宿舍管理部將保留撤銷申請人當次及日後的住宿申請權利。

    Provision of false and/or incomplete information in the application form will lead to disqualification of the application including subsequent dormitory application(s).

  3. 所有住宿申請均由宿舍管理部及/或舍監經優先住宿方針以及由行政副校長批核的評分機制進行審核。

    All applications will be assessed by HMU and/or the Warden based on the Priority Housing Policy and the Scoring System approved by Administrative Vice President.

  4. 宿生於退宿限期前退宿將被視作提前終止住宿。已繳付之宿費將不獲發還。

    Residents who check out before the last check-out date will be considered as early termination of their hall residence; paid hall fees will not be refunded.

  5. 宿舍房間只供宿生本人作住宿用途。嚴禁以宿舍作其他用途如儲物或允許他人入住。一經發現,有關宿生之住宿資格將被終止,己繳付之宿費恕不退還。

    Accommodation at the Residence Halls is provided to residents for the purpose of personal residence only; use of the residence room for other purposes, such as storage or allowing another person to reside, is strictly prohibited. Residents fail to observe will result in termination of residence, remaining hall fee will not be refunded.

  6. 嚴禁售賣及私人轉讓宿位。所有有關售賣及私人轉讓宿位的報告將會被調查;一經屬實,涉事學生將被處罰,包括即時沒收宿位、己繳之宿費不獲退還及其他由大學給予的紀律處分。

    Trading or private transfer of hall place is strictly forbidden. All reports of trading or private transfer of hall places will be investigated and penalties will be levied on the students involved. Penalties include immediate termination of residence, forfeiture of paid hall fees as well as further disciplinary action imposed by the University.

  7. 宿舍管理部、舍監及行政副校長會商討有關任何過往宿生的違規記錄,並會考慮同學的本科生住宿申請是否維持有效。

    Any past residential disciplinary records will be brought to the attention of HMU, Wardens and the Administrative Vice President for deliberation and consideration on the validity of students’ applications for undergraduate residence.

  8. 在不作通知的情況下,宿舍管理部、舍監及行政副校長均保留撤銷本科生住宿申請之權利。

    HMU, Wardens and the Administrative Vice President have the right to disqualify applications for undergraduate residence without prior notification.

  9. 所有成功的申請人需遵守本科生宿生手冊內的宿生守則。

    All successful applicants are required to abide by the Rules and Regulations for Residents as stipulated in the Residents’ Handbook.

M. 收集個人資料 Use of Personal Data

  1. 申請表中所收集的資料只作行政用,包括住宿申請、相關的宿舍活動及宿舍事務。

    Personal information collected from applicants will only be used for hall admission exercises, hall activities, hall related matters and kept as resident records for administration purposes.

  2. 宿舍管理部會將該樓層所屬的宿生姓名、聯絡電話、房間號碼及電郵地址提供予負責該樓層的宿舍大使。除此之外,宿舍管理部會向舍監組及設施管理部提供所有宿生姓名、聯絡電話、房間號碼和緊急聯絡人(及其聯絡電話)以備不時之需。

    HMU will provide Hall Ambassadors with the names, phone numbers, room numbers and email addresses of the residents of the floor he/she is responsible for. Moreover, in case of necessary, the name, phone number, room number, email address and emergency contact person (and her/his contact) of each resident will be provided to the Warden, Deputy Warden, Hall Tutor and Facility Management Office.

N. 聯絡宿舍管理部 Contact Hall Management Unit

位置 Location: 研究院大樓高座 RHB 208室
RHB 208, High Block, Research Complex
辦公時間 Office Hours: 星期一至五
Mondays to Fridays
09:30 - 13:00, 14:00 - 18:30
Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays
電郵 Email: hmu@hksyu.edu
電話Telephone Number: +852 2804-8562